During a high school lacrosse game, Defendant took a shot which caused injury to the Plaintiff. Plaintiff filed a personal injury lawsuit claiming that the Defendant’s conduct was “reckless.” The Defendant lacrosse player filed a motion for summary disposition which was denied by the Trial Court. On appeal before the Michigan Court of Appeals, that ruling was reversed.
Read MoreOn July 7, 2023, Peter Angelas of Alexander & Angelas participated in oral arguments before the Michigan Court of Appeals in Lansing. The appellate panel consisted of three judges who had received extensive briefing from the four (4) litigants involved in the appeal. The underlying case involved a serious motor vehicle accident which occurred in the state of Ohio. Despite the MVA occurring in Ohio, Plaintiff sought Michigan no-fault (PIP) coverage.
Read MorePartner Peter Angelas explains the different types of ADR options available in Michigan courts and gives some background on each. He has participated in all aspects of the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process over the past 35 years and currently sits as a case evaluator in both Wayne County Circuit Court and Oakland County Circuit Court. He's also served as a mediator and an arbitrator.
Read MoreOne of the key performance metrics for insurance companies and proficient insurance defense firms is the aging of claims. The failure of our trial courts to fully get back to work, has unfavorably impacted this metric. Litigated cases are aging longer. This increases the litigation costs for all those involved.
Read MoreMichigan insurance lawyer Peter Angelas explains the benefits of hiring an insurance defense attorney to conduct a "documentation of evidence" investigation if a claim includes a significant injury or has a large policy limit. The leading benefit of retaining defense counsel is that the investigation data is privileged as attorney work product.
Read MoreA nursing home was sued for wrongful death based upon asserted negligence. The nursing home decided to retain its own counsel and defend itself in the action. Not until almost two (2) years later did the nursing home notify its insurer about the wrongful death lawsuit. It then sought to be reimbursed for its defense costs.
Read MoreFive Michigan residents and one New Jersey resident are being charged by Michigan law enforcement with a range of crimes, including insurance fraud, false pretenses, and conducting a criminal enterprise.
Read MoreGenerally, on a multi-employer construction jobsite in Michigan, whoever controls the “means and methods” of the construction project is the company ultimately liable for any negligently caused personal injuries. The case law controlling liability for work-site accidents goes back a long way to Funk v General Motors, a case cited over 191 times since 1974.
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